Procter & Gamble Product
I used the design process to tackle a design problem presented to my group by P&G through my product design course. We worked to understand users' needs through putting ourselves in their environments and thoroughly exploring the problem we were set out to solve. We conducted three rounds of user research and prototype testing, refining our solution with each iteration.
At the end of the project, one of our users eagerly commented, "I can't wait to see this product on the market!"
P&G has decided to pursue Intellectual Property Rights on the product we designed, and the actual product details are under a confidentiality agreement.
Skills Developed:
Taking qualitative data from in-context interviews and translating it into tensions, aspirations and insights, using prototypes of increasing fidelity to understand user needs, balancing technical viability and user desires
My Role:
Interviewing, synthesis, prototyping, documentation
Project Duration:
September 2016 - December 2016
Team Members:
Philip Chehade, Hua Chin, Sergio Marquina