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HotPlate App


Do you ever go to a restaurant and wonder, what you should order? What is the best dish? A lot of people struggle with this problem, and we worked with a Northwestern startup, HotPlate, to find a solution. We found that current solutions lack credibility or excitement when interviewing users. Contrastingly, HotPlate helps people confidently explore new dishes by providing users with tailored, credible dish rankings.

Skills Developed:

Writing design arguments to communicate prototyping goals before creation, using different prototype fidelities to understand different user needs, paper prototyping a digital interface

My Role:

Interviewing, synthesis, prototyping, documentation

Project Duration:

January 2017 - March 2017

Team Members:

Avery Bellis, Rahul Chandrawanshi, Sergio Marquina, Sanjana Srinivasan

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