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Manual defrost freezers, or deep freezers, are great because they hold a lot more food than smaller alternatives and they cost less than auto-defrost freezers, but they become a very labor intensive product to own when they need to be defrosted twice a year. Freezer owners must remove all of their food from the freezer, let the ice inside melt, and then re-load their food. From both user research, and scientific research, I developed concept of the FreezeDry. The FreezeDry is a small, all natural, inexpensive product that prevents the need to defrost. Essentially, it is a diaper for your freezer.


This product concept was created during my NUvention Energy course at Northwestern. I continued this project with another team, and we won third place at the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) White Space Design Challenge. 

Skills Developed:

Leading a collaborative team in which I was the design lead, developing an exhaustive business model that could lead to a startup, pitching to investors, white space patent research

My Role:

Interviewing users, brainstorming solutions, prototyping, documentation

Project Duration:

January 2017 - April 2017

Team Members:

NUvention Energy team: Rick Chong, Daniel Drabarz, Kareem Youssef, Kevin Xu

White Space Design Challenge team: Carlos Armada, Erica Isaacs

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